Veilingitem De Eester

Childhood van Leila Ramezani Khorshiddoust


Pencil on Paper
35* 25 cm

Leyla is painter and art teacher who has recently moved to the Netherlands. She owns the Doost Art Studio in Amsterdam Oost where she focuses on teaching and selling paintings. In this work, Leyla has drawn an old family photo using the textures of various different objects in a dreamy and vague manner that evokes distant memories with fading details.

Value 300 Euro
Bid from 150 Euro

Geplaatst op 16 maart 2024, 13:55 uur
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Deze veiling is gesloten op 7 april 2024, 00:00 uur.
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Een anonieme bieder € 150,00 5 apr 18:59
Een anonieme bieder € 100,00 25 mrt 13:15